Wednesday, June 14, 2017

If bullshit politics were genitals, we'd all be getting laid

God damn it I am tired of all of these headlines about our government being a bunch of cocksuckers. I'm not saying that these things should be hidden from us, it's just a damn crying shame that there's so much of this nonsense going around, that it has to be plastered on every damn media outlet the world over. Come to think of it, me bitching about it makes it one in the same.

Now, scandals and such aside, a big problem with political ideals is that they are hard to argue. Not so much the actual concepts, but in some parts of the countries certain things are so ingrained into the local psyche, that you might as well tell a poor televangelist that jesus was actually just a jello cup. It won't get you anywhere.

There are some things that seem so obvious, that it causes absurdity when it's disagreed with. A big one with liberals, is absolute equality. The big case of the day, being homosexuality.

Now personally, I do not see how one can make a choice to be gay or straight, beyond just choosing to act out in a certain way randomly. So calling it a lifestyle, to me, is ridiculous. Yet time and time again, these people are chastised,  beaten, denied basic rights, etc. If they are good, decent human beings, then they shouldn't be denied anything.

However, American conservatism, often rooted in archaic religion (christianity) states homosexuality as an ultimate sin, thusly it damages society in general to allow it.

Now a big one with conservatives, is fiscal responsibility. Now, Israel, religious matters and the whole Medicare scandal aside, programs tend to be paid for without proper, long term backing properly planned out when a more liberal government is in charge. Such as constant debt ceiling lifting, funds pulled from either inflation or fed borrowing. This causes a bunch of fussing, and yada yada, we all suck.

So what am I trying to get across with all this?

Nothing, because it's pretty much pointless.

What I can say further, though, is that if something hurts, don't fucking do it, even if not doing so goes against some type of doctrine that's been force fed to you forever. For example, If your kids are sick and dying, put medicine inside them, instead of dancing along with bullshit populist nonsense. Because if it seems like a bad idea, you know, dead kids and all, I'm sure it is a bad idea.

Now, while in the editing process for the post, Big Mike suggests I really drive my cynicism home (if the cynical approach is what I'm trying to take) something like "whatever, all politicians, left or right, are just child raping vampires. Fuck your political wing and fuck you too."

So yeah, the whole thing is fucked. There are some good ideas. Some good philosophies. The whole discussion is moot though, because it really is all pointless and we're all a bunch of stupid, murderous rape monkeys with smart phones and sneakers which won't matter when the sun explodes and kills everyone anyway in a righteous solar cleansing. Personally, I am hoping for the sun melting and not incineration. We will see. 

Man o man do I miss the poop jokes of my late teens/early 20s. I wasn't so concerned about much, besides how many tourist chicks I could bang, or where I could find some pot. Though I do now feel the effects of things like a bad economy and institutionalized racism like never before, maybe I shouldnt call it "concern". After all, I'm just a murderous rape monkey with a smart phone and sneakers.


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